Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kona Kona Kona

It's my first full week in Kona! Things are going great! Our hearts are getting revived again to see God move in greater ways than we've seen before. Pictured above is about 300 or so of us on the YWAM campus starting our Monday off in adoration of the one true King! He is so holy and worthy of our praise.

Most joke about me "suffering for Jesus" or taking my vacation to Hawaii...and I won't lie it's pretty beautiful here and I want to soak up that sun as much as I can! But we do have a pretty jam packed schedule. Starting most days around 6am we're up for breakfast and off to worship or class. Our days are pretty full of teaching, prayer/worship, small group time, work duties around the campus, and local outreaches to neighborhoods in Kona. My bed time has moved to a pretty consistent time of about 9:30pm...and if you know me well, you know that's not normal. But the Lord is giving me the grace and energy for it all! Also it's so nice having the whole Harrisburg crew out here so we can grow in our love for each other and for the Lord before heading back to PA! So excited for what God deposits to us here that we get to take back to our students for this next year.

I don't have much to update on except I'm excited for what God has in the weeks to come. Breakthrough and freedom are here and we're expectant for God to do big things in and through this school. Keep us in your prayers that God would be glorified in our everything!

If you want to here the podcasts from our classes click here: Circuit Riders Podcast

Thank you you for checking in! I pray you are so blessed today!

Friday, July 1, 2011

a pause, some pictures, and a popsicle

6 days left and counting until I'm here:

(Photo taken from Jeremy Bardwell's recent Facebook status update)

It's like a reward for having to live in the freezing cold winter months that make up most of my time in Pennsylvania. But needless to say I'm so excited to be back with my Fire & Fragrance community and start the Circuit Riders Seminar!

Since I've been home this last month I feel like I've been on pause. A good pause...but a pause all together. I've been spending a lot of my time at my parent's new restaurant. Here:

PLUG: If you live in or near Jackson you should of course go visit my parent's place! (and like their facebook page at

It's funny living with your parents again. I so easily go back into teenager mode. And then I have to pull out the "No. I am an adult" card. This is why all children should leave their parents at some point...because I can become incredibly lazy...watching reruns of teenage drama shows on Netflix.

And of course this month brings reunions galore. I feel like I reentered high school and then college all over again. I love my friends. The highlight of every week has been joining my friend's from college and watching this:

Now I'm sitting in my favorite coffee shop (not the Amsterdam kind) in Nashville...

... with 2 of my best friends waiting on the 6th member of the Buford to arrive from New York City tonight so The First Annual Buford Reunion can commence with these girls:

Also, this weekend brings my favorite holiday. 4th of July. I think it was created for me. You will probably never see my face light up in amazement the way fireworks can make it.

And if you're looking for a more interesting read than what I will ever be able to offer then you should check out this blog: Jamie the Very Worst Missionary. Jamie is a missionary in Costa Rica with her family and she writes some of the funniest, wittiest, down to earth blogs. If you're offended easily it may not be for you...but she writes truth and is blatantly honest. And I laugh out loud at her posts.

Another current read has been:

If you haven't read it I highly recommend it. It's about a little boy (the one pictured) who went to heaven during a surgery he was having at the age of 4. The things he talked about was Revelation type stuff that no 4 year old could really grasp unless he really did see the things that he talked about. It gave me chills the whole way through and reminds me how great God is and what I have to look forward to. I've become heaven obsessed (not in the way that I want to rush to get there or anything...but it's so mysterious that I want to learn so much more about it).

That's all I have for today. I think I'll run next door to Las Paletas and get a popsicle.