Friday, September 17, 2010

Whirlwind with a side of coffee.

That just about describes this last month of my life. I filled my last weeks in Nashville mostly by sitting in coffee shops (thank you Frothy Monkey for hosting me every single day....and for your iced coconut coffee with almond milk...mmm how i miss you!), spending time with friends, visiting family, and clearing out the room in the back corner of The Buford.

:::Side note: I didn't even like really like coffee unless it was overly sugarized and somehow flavored...but after drinking it like every day..i like it...without sugar...and like regular coffee....almost black even...this is bad. Why would I start that habit? I slightly blame Sarah Rhodes for this addiction. I found a coffee I like and it was because of her. End side note.:::

Well, I mentioned last time, skydiving was one of the big events for this month. Aaaanndd mission accomplished. It was probably one of the most ridiculous experiences ever. Josh and I wouldn't even talk about it beforehand and I visualized it just enough to know I would live...after all God had called me to YWAM, so I'd be fine, right? So we get there...and let me paint the picture:

We pull into this large field. To the left is the large It had a roof, and 1 wall with the other 3 walls having posts along it. The 3 people that were there were very nice, and so of course we signed our lives over. Our "20 minute instructional video" was a 3 minute talk on how we needed to sit in the plane and what to do when it was close to jump time. (I actually appreciated that because I may have backed out after 20 minutes). He asked us who wanted to go first and I quickly said "ME! If I wait I won't go." So...I get suited up and sit in the plane that is maybe 4 or 5 ft wide. The door shuts. I notice the duct tape holding parts of the plane together. "No worries, all the money went towards the engine", says skydiver Damien. "Ok", says me. I sit quitely for the next 20 minutes until the desired height of 12,000 ft is reached. Pilot and skydiver keep making jokes. I don't think they're funny. I'm about to jump out of a plane. 2 MINUTES. I have to now turn around. Sit on my knees. Get strapped to skydiver Damien. We're really close friends now. He opens the door. I say a few words. He puts one foot out on a tiny ledge. I put one foot out on a tiny ledge. He says jump. We fall. Tumble even. "Oh crap, I just fell out of a plane", I think. We're flying. My mouth is really dry. I can't stop smiling. Wow, this is neat. Parachute opens. Oomph. Parachute twirls. I laugh. I make awkward jokes because I just now realized I'm hooked to a stranger. More than that I jumped out of a plane with a stranger. Safe landing. Josh's turn.

Hope you enjoyed that thought process. So i was a little more nervous when Josh went up, and when we left I actually started freaking out. And for days after we would look at each other and go "oh my gosh, we jumped out of a plane. who does that? why did we do that?" But seriously what an amazing experience. Not sure if I can muster up the courage to ever do it again...but I really did feel safe and I was flying. So Bucket List: Fly ---- CHECK! Pictures and video to come soon!

We also went rapelling and white water rafting that weekend. What a fun time with our cousins and 2 of my roommates. I wasn't the best at rapelling (See below). But I mean whatever, I just jumped out of a plane, I don't need to be good at anything else. No harm done and I made people laugh.

Fast forwarding packing, some crying, leave nashville, more packing and now I'm in my 3rd day at YWAM! Woop woop. I won't lie, i kind of freaked out Day 1. The enemy was shooting lies at me all through our first worship service on Wednesday night. I just kept thinking "what am i doing here? i miss home, i miss my roommates, i liked life in nashville. is this really where i'm supposed to be?" But we broke that off in the name of Jesus! I know without a doubt I am supposed to be here. These first few days have been pretty chill...getting to know everyone, learning rules and expectations, sharing testimonies, and having some fun too. It's been great, but I'm so ready to just start full force and get in the routine of life here. We're gong to have amazing, like blow you out of the water, teachers come in, and I am stoked for that. God has already started some awesome stuff, as I had such a huge encounter with His love this morning! I'm ready for more!

One thing I have loved is really getting to hear the heart of our leaders. Why we're in harrisburg and how God has opened doors for us to be here, what's going to come in the next few weeks and months as we start stepping out in faith and sharing the love of God to those around us. I love that revival is going to come. Please join us and so many others in prayer as seriously, the 3rd Great Awakening is on the verge of happening. We want to take back to God was (and still is) His, what was founded on His name and His truth! If you want even more details on what's going on you can check out my leader's blog:

So that's all the updates I can think of for now. Thanks so much to everyone supporting and praying for me! It is needed as the enemy already hates what God is going to do in and through us. How exciting is that...the enemy is scared of us because He knows God is going to bring major fire and breakthrough to the Northeast!

Oh and I have an address i will gladly accept all letters and care packages one may want to send :)

Fire and Fragrance
attn: Jessica Ramsay
PO Box 4826
Harrisburg, PA 17111

Love you all!