Saturday, March 26, 2011

Heellooo from Boston!!!

I know, I know...I'm so behind on my updates! So I'll try to make this short, but you loyal readers know it probably won't be :)

So, it's week 3 here in Boston. All 4 of the Fire & Fragrance outreach teams are here to do ministry. 3 of our teams are staying in one house...meaning 1 bathroom to 12 girls. Yikes! But we all have different schedules so we don't even really get to see the other teams. I'm really enjoying this city...but when is snows on the first day of's just a bit too much winter for me! But all in all it's been a great city to be in.

(The whole Fire & Fragrance crew on the day we left for Boston.)

So now on to the stuff you really want to read about: As you this life we aren't always handed the 'EASY' button. Well, evangelism would be the one area in my life where I wish I could use that! I'm definitely being stretched in this area and being moved right on out of my comfort zone. I know God can use whoever...and for now He's chosen to use me, who in many instances tends to be a slightly awkward vessel. I've been recently reminded of the verse in 1 Corinthians 12:9 that says, "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." Therefore, I will be obedient and trust that He knows what He's doing and that His power will be made perfect through tiny 'ol me.

We've been worshipping on Harvard's campus and talking to people about their beliefs or asking if they need prayer. We've, of course, had a mix of responses. Some people don't take to us well. Jina, a fellow team member, and I talked to a guy who is a professed atheist and an evolutionary biology the end of our conversation, I kid you not he was running away from us and we were jogging behind him to keep up with him...not too long after we just stopped and said bye. It had me laughing to myself the rest of the day. However, we've had plenty of good conversations as well. That same day we talked to a design major named Irene who grew up Catholic and said her mom is now Buddhist. She isn't sure what she believes anymore but thinks there is a higher power or "energy". We talked to her on her way to class about the gospel and told her that Jesus really is real and how much He loves her and has a plan for her life and said we'd be praying for her. She was pretty receptive and said it was really great to know that someone would be out there praying for her. I also got to give a Bible to a Chinese girl who had never heard the gospel and didn't grow up with any religion. We've been keeping a list of people we've met and are still in prayer that God would continue to pursue them. Each team has been evangelizing on campus, so a mission force of about 30 is going out almost everyday and telling people about Jesus!


Also, while riding the bus to the Cambridge area with my team, I sat down beside 2 college students Lena & Mimi. I heard God so clearly say to me, "I want you to tell them about me." I of course respond like I know He does but I don't know how to bring it up. I'd already introduced myself to them and asked about the instruments they were holding and where they went to school, so after that I just waited on the Lord. I started to overhear Lena tell Mimi about about a book in Russia and I heard the words 'devil', 'hell', and 'Jesus Christ'... I joined their conversation and asked them what they believed about all of that. They both had Catholic Orthodox backgrounds and Lena said she saw Jesus as a philosopher and that hell was made up to bring fear to people. So right there on the bus I got to share the entire gospel and that everything in the Bible is true and straight from God! I was informed later that they could hear me in the back of the I hope that more people got to hear :)

I wholeheartedly believe each one of these meetings is a Divine appointment and God is calling each and every one of them into relationship with Him. So far we've seen 1 Harvard student come to Christ and a whole lot of seeds planted! So like I said earlier, this job hasn't come with an 'EASY' button, but as someone encouraged me the other day...we have no idea what our being here and exalting Jesus in this place is doing in the spiritual realm. God's heart so moves and longs for His people and I guarantee revival will come to the Ivy Leagues and America.

We've also had the opportunity to join with some Christian fellowships here. We've evangelized with some of the YWAM Boston staff members and had some teaching by their director, Doug Tunney (who was our speaker on evangelism during lecture phase). The team that isn't staying in our house is staying at the Justice House of Prayer (JHOP). We've gotten to join in with them on their weekly worship and prayer meetings and it has been such a refreshing place to go and worship Jesus with them. They are a super fiery group that has laid down their lives for however long God asks of them to interceed and stand in the gap for Boston and surrounding college campuses. I've so enjoyed our time with them.

(Harvard Awakening Church)

Every Sunday we've gotten to attend the Harvard Awakening church held at Bob "Uncle Bob" Weiner's (Weiner Ministries) penthouse. It has a wonderful view of Cambridge and Uncle Bob has so kindly opened his place for college students to cram in every Sunday night to have a church service. It was there that we met Lynn. Lynn is from China and is a student at Northeastern University. She leads a Bible study group for about 6-7 Chinese girls every Friday. These girls have only been in relationship with Jesus for about 3-6 months, even Lynn. We've led 2 of their Friday Bible studies and I've quickly fallen in love with these girls. Lynn, Megan, Elaine, and Hanna are the regular attendees and have been the 4 at the study both weeks. The first week we taught on loving God and others and on hearing the voice of God, and this past Friday we did an exercise on hearing the voice of God by doing 'Original Design' prayers. It's how I first started learning to hear the voice of God. We prayed for the girls one at a time and waited on what the Lord had to say about each of the girls and who He created them to be (reference Psalm 139). Then whoever got a word, picture, or scripture would share it with whoever we were praying for. It's always fun when the word is repeated by someone who got the same thing or just when it encourages that person. The girls were so encouraged with every word they got and it was so fun to see them realize even more just how much God loves them and that He has a plan and purpose for each one.

Almost needless to say, this has been my favorite part of outreach thus far. I just love those girls so much and they are so hungry for the Lord. And to top it off, it's tradition for them that when someone leaves they have a big feast for them, so they are making a homemade Chinese dinner for us on Monday at their house! Elaine is going to get baptized then too!! I will truly miss them when we leave...I wish I could pack them in my suitcase and carry them with me!

Side note: The guys on our team have been going to the guys Bible study at Northeastern and yesterday they took them out evangelizing and led a Chinese student, Rocky, to Christ! Woohoo!

(Northeastern girls Bible study -- Left to Right: Back Row: Megan, Hanna, Kara, Cara Lena, Amanda {YWAM Boston staff}, me, Jina. Front Row: Elaine, Lynn {Bible study leader})

My team of 8 leaves Boston on Tuesday and we head to New Hampshire to go to Dartmouth! I am so excited to see what the Lord has for us in our few days there.

I have so much more I could say...but this has gotten pretty long so I'll leave it here. Again THANK YOU soooo much for all your prayers. They are much needed, as you know Spiritual warfare can really heighten in these times. I feel so blessed to have so much support both prayerfully and financially and that the Lord has led me to be a part of Fire and Fragrance and to travel and share His name and strengthen other believers. He's teaching me so much!!

Love and blessings to you all!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

February Newsletter & Prayer Guide!

Here's last month's newsletter! It gives you a tiny update of what's been going on and then some prayer requests for our outreach that we have officially begun! Thanks for taking the time to read this and pray for me!

Blessings to you!

February 2011