Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hello from the city that literally never sleeps.

Welp if you couldn't tell from the title of this blog, I'm in NYC now. It's been so much fun thus far. We arrived Monday and there is such a different atmosphere here than the city of Hanover (where Dartmouth is located) and the Vermont farmhouse I was at in the beginning of April. Both of which I loved and brought rest and peace to my soul!

It was such a joy to go to Dartmouth again. I love the small town and the beauty that surrounds the campus. We had a great time joining in with campus ministries, leading worship & prayer sets, teaching, and evangelizing. I felt the same stirring as last year. The hunger in the believers to see revival and an openness in the atmosphere for God to move! Revival is a reality.

New York City couldn't be more opposite than those tiny, sweet towns I've been in. I don't know that I could ever live here long term but I love the freedom and energy of the city (not like the new age kind of energy, but actual literal energy from the hustle and bustle)....the busyness of it all where you just can't wait to hit the pillow at night because of how productive you felt that day. At least that's how I've been feeling this week.

We went evangelizing yesterday at Columbus University and it felt less weird to strike up a random conversation with someone you've never met. Or maybe it felt like the same kind of weird but the atmosphere makes it feel more exciting to step out of your comfort zone? I don't know...but my team is just loving it matches the fast pace schedule my students enjoy.

One thing I've noticed though is on the other side of that energy and the feeling of freedom is the hopelessness that can so easily be sensed. The 1st girl I talked to and asked if I could pray for yesterday replied "you can pray for my happiness." She immediately walked on. She was a cute college student but you could visibly see the sadness that overwhelmed her. Even just walking around or riding the subway I look at people and can see the ambition and desire to be something or to "make it" or whatever it is they want. But they just look sad. And not that ambition is a bad thing, but without a hope in Jesus what does it all mean? I was reading in Matthew when Jesus says "let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Then he says, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?" That verse really struck me being here in NYC. How sad I find it to live a life thinking it all means nothing. BUT what a JOY it is to know Jesus and His love and the life He offers so abundantly! There is such freedom in knowing Jesus and He really is the only answer to our deepest longings and desires. It is my prayer that true and lasting freedom and life in Christ would come to this city.

So pray for my all-star team and I as we minister in the city and to local campuses like Columbia, Julliard, City College, etc. We'll be meeting with a lot of students from these campuses and teaching on evangelism and then immediately taking them to put it all into practice. Tomorrow we'll be meeting at New York University to do this very thing and then head over to Washington Square Park to share the gospel. May Jesus receive His reward in New York!

Below are some pictures for your enjoyment. Thank you all for your support and prayers. Be blessed this day!

My artsy Dartmouth shot.
Praying for Students at Dartmouth.
My team! Best.
Scenic Hanover.
Our crew doing worship at the Burlington House of Prayer.
Scenic Burlington, VT.
Scenic Huntington, VT.
Driving into NYC.
St. Tyler at the largest Cathedral in North America.
A peacock.
Kayla & Lauren leading worship at City College.
Hannah and I capturing the essence of city life...?
Healthy meals.
Working on my cooking skills.