Wednesday, October 12, 2011

just being honest...

I hate writing blogs. I just sit here wondering what in the world I should write about. What will interest my reader? What will really capture their attention? And then again does it really matter? I don't know how many people actually even read this. It's more of a way for me to process all the going-on's in my own life and to have some feeling of accomplishment in the fact that I keep some people updated on my life as a missionary.

Where to begin is always the tricky part. I sit for a while...get overwhelmed and watch an episode of The Office. And then I come back and I have to decide should this be informative? funny? deep? emotional? intelligent? And If I'm really trying to shoot the moon, all of the above? And I'm pretty sure, actually really sure that I fall short at making any of these that great. It's not like I'm writing a novel where I'm trying to win a New York best-seller. But then again...what if I could make it just that good? And then I realize how unbelievably ridiculous that all sounds so I move on to the average joe-anne's blog. Just an update so you know that as a missionary I'm actually doing something worth my time...and yours.

I know there are a few of you...the ones reading this right now...that find interest in my blog updates because you do like to stay informed on what's going on with me (and let's be honest, I'm terrible at making a phone call. I'd just rather have you in person). And then I suck you in with my attempt at sounding exciting on facebook and twitter just to get you to move your mouse over my link and click on it. And then if you actually read it ::I'm sorry to say:: you just become disposed to all my ramblings. But then again this is just the internet and you can just as quickly X your way out.

So I'll now move on so we can get to what you're really looking for.

The facts:
I've been here 36 days.
Harrisburg got flooded.
Our team went on The God is Not Dead tour to different Ivy Leagues and universities with musician and Burn 24-7 director, Sean Feucht, to evangelize, worship, and build up local believers.
I did handy work. Helping a family build a community prayer room in their basement.
I went to 5 yard sales so that our staff house had pots, pans, chairs, and beds. The essentials.
I did flood relief for 2 weeks. Moving things out of poop/mud filled basements to higher ground in order to power wash basements. It was smelly. My goal was to do as much work as possible and stay as clean as possible. It worked until the last day. We removed 100s and 100s of bucket loads of water and mud from a family's basement. They made us cookies and banana bread.
I started getting up at 5:30 (yes...A.M.) on a word of the Lord that as a community we are to dive deeper into the Scriptures.
I've prayed. And worshipped.
I've gone evangelizing. A few from our team started bar ministry last Friday. They saw 1 salvation and 1 guy get healed and filled with the Holy Spirit!
I've started in our first week of widow's ministry. Last week helping a single mother of 8 clean and take care of her children while she went on a business trip.
I've done 2 life sieges so far. Praying for the ending of abortion and revival in America.
I stood outside of an abortion clinic for hours praying with trained sidewalk counselors who try and stop them from getting abortions. It may sound weird, but with all the love in their hearts they show women there are better options and offer them their free services of ultra sounds and mom/baby resources, etc.

I actually just think I'll stop with the list and elaborate on this more. These women (the sidewalk counselors) are HEROES. I'm serious. They are looking injustice in the face and telling it to go to hell (sorry, was that too blunt?). They are literally SAVING LIVES. One of the ladies is currently discipling 14 women who decided to keep their babies. Helping them move, driving them places, getting them the resources they need.

It was my first time to go last Friday. I went with 2 of my friends here. We all had a hard time keeping it together. To stand on the sidewalk of an abortion clinic and KNOW what's about to take place. I don't process things that took about 2 days before I finally sobbed.

It's important that you know that none of this comes from a place of judgment. I know people who have had abortions and there is no condemnation in my heart or mind for the decision they've made. However I know them after the abortion. I know the heartache, the medical problems, the brokenness they've carried for years due to that abortion. I've seen them reach freedom too, which is awesome and so in the Father's heart to bring healing and peace in those hidden away areas.

But I was standing out there. Watching these beautiful women walk in fear and trembling. Thinking this is the only way things can ever get back to normal. It's how the enemy lies to us. The popular answer is that it's a woman's right to choose. The lie is that abortion is just the quick fix. Get in, get out, get on with your life. But I would like to take a survey of the many women who have fallen prey to this and see how well they went on with their lives. After their decision is made, the enemy flips the switch. All of the sudden guilt and shame flood their way in. It's possible many of these women will have future medical issues.

And it broke my heart. I wasn't angry at the women. I was sad for them. I was hurting for them, as I continue to do so. I pray the ones I saw will come to know Jesus so they can find the freedom and healing He so lovingly offers.

I highly suggest you check out the website Bound4Life. They have a great database on the history of abortion, the kinds of abortions performed, and statistics.

Did you know:
50 million babies have been aborted since 1973? Planned Parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger...a eugenicist who believed the “dead weight of human waste” should be “eliminate[d]? Did you know Planned Parenthood started in ghetto populations--or as she referred to them the "undersirables"? The company who makes the RU-486 pill was the same that made the Zyklon B gas for the Nazi death chambers?

It's really just a messed up thing. I've been thinking so much about it this week. How do people really not think it's murder? It's a baby. A baby's heartbeat starts just 18 DAYS after conception. How is it we've been deceived so long? We're in the midst of a silent holocaust.

And how is it a woman can deliver a premature baby at 23 weeks and the baby LIVES...but if the baby stays in the stomach at 23 weeks it can still be considered not a life and it can still be aborted? Just because someone decides that human life is not a human life does it make it true?

I encourage you to do some research yourself and really get a heart to start praying for the end of this. Here's a video done by Ray Comfort that is so good! He survey's people on the streets about their opinion on the topic of abortion and brings to light so many of the lies being believed about this industry.

Well...there I went again. Writing the longest blog ever. Can you tell what has really grabbed my heart since I've been back? It's a weird thing to say that I 'look forward' to going back to the abortion clinic. I don't know if I can truly say it's something I look forward to going back to. I don't necessarily want to go back. To know babies are dying 100 feet from me. To know women and men are hurting. To get cussed out and almost hit by their cars. I actually don't WANT to do any of it. It'd be way easier to push it to the back of my mind and pretend all is well. But my heart is stirred. I do want to go and pray and come alongside the counselors to show these women the love of Jesus and the other options they have. I don't know how much help I actually am. But I'm going because I know the Lord's heart is to see abortion ended. I know His heart is to reach out His loving, gentle hand to these women who are so confused and afraid. I know it pleases the Father's heart that I would be an extension of His heart in that place. And because of that I do look forward to going back to that place...exalting and glorifying Jesus over that building, and doing the best I can to save these women and their babies.

Please pray for me. As you can imagine, being a missionary brings plenty of warfare. Heck just being a follower of Jesus working a 9-5 job or being a stay at home mom (and everything in between) brings plenty of warfare. I'll pray for you too. Lastly, would you please join me in praying for the ending of abortion.

::If you'd like to partner financially with me and the work my team is doing in Harrisburg please email me at or click on the link to my PayPal up top::

(Um...sorry for the not so sly financial help part. Girl's gotta eat.)

Blessings to you. You are dearly loved by God.
