Monday, February 14, 2011

Lady Gaga...

...random I know.

But after her "shocking" arrival at the Grammy's last night I couldn't stop thinking about the platform she has created for herself and wondering how she got there. (for those who missed it she was encased in what looked like an egg?)

Note: I'm not promoting that one should or should not support Lady Gaga and her theatrics. I'm just sharing a few opinions of my own :)

When Lady first stepped onto the scene I did find her quite odd...but it was just too easy to pick up on the new tunes and dance around all silly-like with my roommates. Therefore, a few of Lady's songs became fairly popular. I don't even know how it happened but one day I decided to count the number of songs that I knew of hers...and found it alarmingly high. I had no idea I'd slipped into the craze! But she seemed to be EVERYWHERE. I the past 2 years alone she's had 6 number 1 hit songs. I think it started off as a joke to sing her songs...but either way...they seeped in and were on repeat in my head.

I never found her music to be moral, that's for sure and I was always taken aback by the latest music videos...not being able to watch them without thinking something seems completely wrong and then realizing I just shouldn't watch her videos because they have no fruit, no light, no life coming from them. I can't necessarily deny the artistry she carries...however I admit it's definitely a bit off.

I don't think anyone would be shocked by 'Christian groups' calling her crazy or protesting her in every way. But the thought of that actually started to make me sad and I felt convicted of my own judgments towards her. I watched an interview she had with Barbara Walters...and for some reason when you see a person's childhood photos they become all the more real to you. And it hit me: She doesn't know Jesus. I know...that's apparent...but how many times have I skimmed over the fact and had negative thoughts towards who she is.

I think you can tell by now but the Lord actually started giving me this big heart for Lady Gaga (formally known as 'Stefanie Joanne Angelina Germanotta'). God actually gave her this wonderful, amazing talent. He gave her a voice and an ability to be creative...she just isn't necessarily using it to give glory to His name, but why would she. She doesn't know Jesus.

While speaking with Barbara Walters she said she wants to be a teacher to her young fans who felt just like she felt when she was younger. She wants to free her fans to be fearless and help them know that they have their own place in the world. On an interview I watched with Cooper Anderson on 60 minutes, I watched as she told fans at one of her concerts to let go of all insecurities and reject anyone and anything that's ever made them feel like they don't belong. Then she yelled for them to free themselves of those things. Her fans were sobbing. I mean breaking down, tears and snot everywhere. My heart broke.

They're all looking for something more. What's so sad is it's the enemy who's blinding people to Truth. Our society is more humanistic than ever and Lady Gaga's answer to feeling rejection is how to empower yourself and how to overcome obstacles by rising up in strength.

If I were to sit and listen to someone tell me they had a dream to set people free from past insecurities, I'd think they were on a pretty good path. But it's where we tell them to get healing from and draw strength from that lies a big issue. How many of us have/have had insecurities or issues of rejection from our younger years. The feeling of being left out and not belonging. I know I had some super awkward years and I just wanted validation that I wasn't a big weirdo. Thankfully I had a community around me who accepted me and pointed me to Jesus and I found my belonging in Him. But what about people who aren't as fortunate to hear about Jesus and His extravagant Love? We're all looking for healing. We're all looking for a place to belong. We all want to be loved. And what's happened is Satan has twisted the minds of so many to believe that God either doesn't exist or is mean and judgmental. And now a lot of times a second thought isn't given to God or Jesus because it's all about ME! As someone said today in our Prayer Room set, Satan has blindfolded people and then set them into confusion. So it doesn't look like anyone is worshipping the devil or just looks like a world of worship to me, myself, and I.


It's a stronghold we must pray is broken. It's an area where we must EXALT the name of JESUS. It's time to press in. Lady Gaga went to a Manhattan private school, Convent of the Sacred Heart. I bet she heard about God. I bet she was rejected for being maybe a little bit weird. It's been brought to my attention recently that in this world of music...a lot of the music and musicians that have brought a 'new song' forth have been rejected by the church. Ouch. So where do they turn?

The reason I'm even writing this is because we have to know what we're up against. Yes, our God is greater and higher than any other and He wins. But it's a time where we need to be on our knees crying out for our generation whose role models are Lady Gaga, Eminem, Ke$ha, Lil' Wayne, Drake...and I don't know, whoever else is mainstream popular right now. We need to be praying for Divine strategies and most of all we need to be a LIGHT in the darkness. We have to tell people about Jesus. They need to know the truth. It's not fair that so many have been blindfolded to the incomprehensible love and goodness of our God.

So all that being said...this is a huge prayer need. This is what my team will be facing as we head to the Ivy Leagues in 3 weeks. We've been crying out for 5 months for Jesus to be exalted over Harvard...a school created to send out ministers and missionaries. Humanism is creeping in. We want to show people truth. Lead them to Jesus. He's better than anything else. He created us for His glory. He wants to set His children free from this bondage and confusion. There's just no hope without Jesus. But that's the good thing...there is hope. He loves us so much.

As written on Harvard's Emerson Hall: "What is man that Thou art mindful of Him?" -Psalm 8:4

Jesus, I exalt You.

(Oh, and add Lady Gaga to your prayer list too!)


  1. Looking forward to hearing stories about your time at the Ivy Leagues. Praying for you.

  2. What a great insight Jess! It is something that we have been discussing in our household as well..the new "role models" of this generation! Praying for you, your team, and the many role models of this world that need Jesus!

  3. Jess. seriously, i've been studying humanism and 21st century thought with Victoria in the past 8 months, and this is exactly what we've been discussing. can you pleeeeease read this book: The New Tolerance by Josh McDowell. it is so interesting and relevant to today's culture...especially among colleges. i will be praying that Jesus gives you ears to listen to these students who were intentionally created in the image of God, and that they would be receptive to the truth of God's Word. love you so much friend, proud of you and the things God is growing in you.
